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Globalisation refers to a process through which a company start operating its business on global scale. It helps organisations in developing their international influence for running business successfully in new market (Urry, 2012). The present assignment has made a discussion on impact of globalisation on organisations in both positive and negative manner. For this purpose, Jaguar has taken which is a British multinational car company that deals in manufacturing industry. It is headquartered in Whitley, England and established in 1935.
It offers a wide range of commercial. In order to conduct this project, researchers have formulated appropriate aims and objectives by focusing as per present case scenario of Jaguar. Here, some approaches and types of data analysis have discussed under research methodology section, in order to make interpretation and further recommendation for respective company for move its business into new emerging marketplace.  Â
Positive impact of Globalisation in general to businesses in the UK.
Globalisation is considered as a procedure of growing interdependence of nations, which leads to increase business in international market. It can be done by integrating the concept of free trading, finance, people mobility and innovative ideas into business (How to define globalisation?, 2019). Here, free trade agreements and cross-border investment are taken as main elements of such kind of integration. In context with Jaguar which is a multinational company and serve its products in many countries, has gained various benefits by implementing the concept of globalisation.
Initially, it is beneficial for accounting department as it facilitate  technological advancement which have decreased cost of transportation, computation and communication to a wide extent. Secondly, reducing in overall cost of operations, company become more comfortable to adopt new technical machines or software for improving their operational activities. It will provide support for reducing duration of time as well as increase in produced units of product. Thirdly, marketing sections easily get sufficient funds in order to make promotions more effective which results into boost up sales and profits of company.
Moreover, human resource department gain an opportunity of develop new policies and practices which facilitate to set up business globally in respect of achieving success of business respectively. Therefore, it is economically feasible for respective company to locate various phases of production in many countries. Similarly, some other factors that increases liberalisation of capital market and trade in international market are- foreign competition, legal prohibition, import tariff and non-tariff barriers etc. Concerning on these factors, managers of Jaguar can develop more effective policies and strategies to move business in Afghanistan marketplace (Held, 2013).
âTo evaluate the positive economic, cultural and ethical impact of globalisation on entire operational activities of organisation. A case study on Jaguarâ
Project Title  |
âTo evaluate the positive, economic, cultural and ethical impact of globalisation on entire operational activities of organisation.â |
Project Plan  Company Name: |
Research on Jaguar |
This part of project management plan entails the amount which will be required to complete a project. It also includes cost at which a company implements a new project in business in order to gain profitability (Webster, 2014). In context with present research, for accomplishing it, investigating team requires near about 20K Euros. While, with respect to Jaguar, to start its operations in new countries it has to spend an approximate amount of £180 million Euros. Â
Here, this tool of project management plan defines the scope of a new project by which a company can attain its long and short-term goals. In context with Jaguar as it seeks to launch its new cars in Cape Verde, Africa marketplace, where people always look out to purchase innovative vehicles which will fulfil their desires. Therefore, by identifying the global impact of different aspects of globalization, in terms of economy, social, cultural and ethical manner, it has evaluated that there is a large scope for Jaguar to start its business over in new market of Cape Verde, Africa. By analysing the concept of globalisation, its management can formulate effective strategies accordingly to grab attention of new targeted customers towards its commercial and personnel vehicles.
This aspect of PMP plan also consider as most element part that entails duration to complete entire activities of project in desired manner (Cooke, 2012). Along with this, it also suggests time-period under which a company can accomplish its goals and set objectives. Therefore, to analyse the concept of globalisation and its role in moving Jaguar into new marketplace as per case scenario, project-makers require near about 63 days. While for starting business into Cape Verde, Africa era, respective company needs approximate a year.
In order to obtain effective outcomes in efficient manner of a project, it is essential for research team to concern on quality of same. By monitoring the procedure under which each and every activity is carried out, project managers gain chance to reduce the occurrence of its failure. Along with this, they can provide better recommendation to Jaguar Company for moving its business into Cape Verde, Africa market. This would help respective organisation in improving and enhancing its quality of products or services more efficiently, as well as make business more accessible for targeted customers.
This part also plays a crucial role in completing a project successfully as per desires and expectations. In this regard, it is essential for project managers to implement a proper communication system (Gopalakrishnan and et. al., 2012). This would help in providing timely information to each member and entails them in what manner activities have to be done. For instance, by using social media concept like WhatsApp, manager can entail information to entire team in group. While in respect to Jaguar, for bringing awareness among customers about its new launching business in Cape Verde, Africa market, its managers can use social media platform like Twitter, Facebook Pages and Instagram etc.
As through various researchers' point of view, it has analysed that concept of globalisation proves beneficial for companies in moving their businesses in international market. But yet it arises various challenges and issues related to run business ethically in global market. In this regard, it is essential for Jaguar to concern on such risks which will develop while starting its operations in Cape Verde, Africa marketplace. As people of Cape Verde, Africa majorly focuses on quality and innovation of products instead of price before purchasing, therefore, Jaguar needs to concern on making improvement in its vehicles and services before serving it directly into emerging area (Lasserre, 2017). While in context with project point of view, risk associated with same also arise difficulties for researcher in completing their activities in desired manner. In this regard, major difficulties arise with completing each activity in given period with limited resources and capital. Â
In order to conduct present research which is based on analysing ethical, cultural and economic impact of globalisation on Jaguar's operation, project makers require an adequate amount of resources. It includes proper amount of finance, labour capital, communication system and some other tangible and intangible resources. While for Jaguar, to move its business in Cape Verde, Africa market, managers need to bring latest technologies in business and give recruitment to talented product-designers and engineers at workplace (Lovelock and Patterson, 2015). They will give support in making innovation as per demand and preference of international customers Â
Type of Research -Â Â Primary, Secondary, Quality and Quantity
For completing a research, it is vital for project makers to consider the concept of research methodology. It provides various techniques and sources, through which researchers can organise, realise as well as interpret the information more efficiently. In this regard, majorly two main concepts are involved in a project. It includes qualitative and quantitative data, which helps in gathering reliable and relevant information as per desired manner.
Primary data: It consists information which is gathered through primary techniques. It includes survey and questionnaire methods, interviews, group discussion and more (Lawton, McGuire and Rajwani, 2013). This would aid researchers in obtaining original and reliable information as well as obtain highly efficient data for making effective decisions for a company.
Secondary data: This method of data analysis includes external sources, from where various researchers have given their viewpoints on same topic. For example: By extracting articles from websites, investigators can obtain large amount of data in short period of time, more easily. Â
Working on project and finding result is the most common method which has been using from the last few decades. It has been further classified into qualitative and quantitative research which is as follows:
Qualitative research: It defines as the information which gives in-depth knowledge of the company. Knowledge to find management mind towards its future perspective planning and the survey of its every move which has been taken in the past years.
Quantitative research: It defines the data which comes in the form of numbers. A hard fact which has been derived from the collected data, structured in the form of statistics. It helps in forming graph when a company wanted to know the general conclusion.
This technique mainly uses to divide major activities into smaller and manageable segments. Through this process, researchers gain advantage to manage or maintain quality of project more appropriately, as per expectation (Hamilton and Webster, 2018). Therefore, for managing a successful business project, the major activities are given below:-
Our intention is to help numerous students worldwide through effective and accurate work.
To frame each and every activity which is divided by Work Breakdown Structure, researchers of present project can consider the concept of Gantt Chart. It has developed by Henry L. Gantt in the year 1917, for framing activities of a task in proper duration. This would help researchers in managing a certain project in appropriate manner. In addition to this, by representing the activities in graphical form, project-makers get chance to monitor, track and make modification under procedures to obtain effective outcomes of project (Thomson and Thomson, 2012).
Therefore, in context with present research, as major activities includes identification of problem, selection of suitable topic, development of aims and objectives, literature review, research methodologies to collect data and more, time-allocation can be done in following manner:-
It consists techniques through researchers can collect adequate amount of information from various internal and external sources (Dunning, 2014). These kinds of data help a company in making appropriate decisions to achieve their long-term and short-term goals.
It includes process by which researchers can collect data from different sources like- primary and secondary techniques. Here, primary source provides methods like surveys, interviews and questionnaire to collect original and reliable information. While, secondary sources provide internet access from where researchers can gather information in large manner more easily.
It can be defined as a technique to analyse perception and opinion of different people on same topic, for making effective decisions by a company. Under this method, researchers of present project have set of variety of questions to analyse the concept of globalisation and if it prove beneficial for Jaguar to emerge its business in Cape Verde, Africa, a  questionnaire is formulated for which 10 respondents are selected from employees of respective company.
                                                               QUESTIONNAIRE |
1.) Do you think that globalisation aid Jaguar in moving its business into new emerging market successfully? |
Frequency |
a) Yes |
8 |
b) No |
2 |
2.) Is it essential for analysing the ethical, cultural and economical impact of globalisation for developing policies by Jaguar? |
Frequency |
a) Yes |
7 |
b) No |
3 |
3.) What are the effective strategies that Jaguar needs to develop for implementing the concept of globalisation? |
Frequency |
a) Goal-setting and objectives |
4 |
b) Resourcing / Team building |
3 |
c) Budgeting |
3 |
4.) What will be the major challenges faced Jaguar can face while launching its business into new emerging marketplace? |
Frequency |
a) Maintaining security and confidentiality |
5 |
b) Maintaining brand reputation |
2 |
c) Preventing business from Piracy and Hacking |
3 |
5.) What are the main benefits Jaguar can gain by move its business in Cape Verde market? |
Frequency |
a) Increase brand recognition and trust  |
2 |
b) Enhance customer base and their retention |
5 |
c) Promote business in vast area |
3 |
6.) Which is the most appropriate media channel for Jaguar to promote its business in global market? |
Frequency |
a) Facebook |
3 |
b) You Tube |
2 |
c) Instagram |
2 |
d) LinkedIn |
3 |
7) Does it prove beneficial for Jaguar to move business into Cape Verde marketplace? |
Frequency |
a) Yes |
6 |
b) No |
4 |
8) What are the main economic benefits gained by Jaguar by introducing globalisation into business: |
Frequency |
a) Free trade agreement |
4 |
b) Reduce import tariff and non-tariff barriers |
3 |
c) Responsible sourcing |
3 |
9.) Are you satisfied with innovation and high-quality of products and services offered by Jaguar? |
Frequency |
a) Yes |
8 |
b) No |
2 |
10.) Provide some effective recommendation to Jaguar to fulfil preferences and demand of new customers to run business successful in Cape Verde, Africa marketplace... |
Since it creates various difficulties for researchers to conduct survey on large population and analyse opinion of each respondent. Therefore, under this present research, project makers have selected 10 respondents from entire population of size 100, on random basis. This would help in gathering primary data and making interpretation of each in effective manner.
For selecting respondents from total population, project makers can use various sampling methods viz. Simple Random, Stratified, Cluster and more. Here, under this present report, researchers have taken random sampling method for choosing respondents on random basis.
This methodology includes external sources like articles, books and journals, government census report, magazines, business statement of chosen company and more, to collect relevant data and obtain outcomes in desired manner.
Theme 1: Concept of globalization
1.) Do you think that globalisation aid Jaguar in moving its business into new emerging market successfully? |
Frequency |
a) Yes |
8 |
b) No |
2 |
Globalisation can be defined as a process of integrating international factors, for moving a business of a company into new emerging marketplace. In context with Jaguar, it provides various benefits and opportunities, by which it can move its business easily into global market. It has interpreted from given graph that 8 out of 10 respondents are agreed with same concept. While, remaining 2 users are not in favour with given statement. Â
2.) Is it essential for analysing the ethical, cultural and economic impact of globalisation for developing policies by Jaguar? |
Frequency |
a) Yes |
7 |
b) No |
3 |
In order to move business into new era, it is essential for a company to analyse impact of globalisation on its operational activities. This would help in analysing ethical, cultural and economical influence of globalisation in positive manner, for launching business in global market. As per point of view of 7 respondents out of 10, it has interpreted that it will also prove beneficial for Jaguar to develop its policies accordingly. While rest of users that are 3, states to concern on social factor first for identifying demand and preferences of new customers. This would help in improving sales performance more appropriately. Â
3.) What are the effective strategies that Jaguar needs to develop for implementing the concept of globalisation? |
Frequency |
a) Goal-setting and objectives |
4 |
b) Resourcing / Team building |
3 |
c) Budgeting |
3 |
For globalising the business, it is also crucial for Jaguar to develop effective policies and strategies. It has interpreted from viewpoints of 4 respondents out of 10 that respective company needs to frame goal-setting and objectives. This would help in developing more effectively policies. While, 3 users assists towards resourcing or team building for the same. Apart from this, other 3 respondents suggest to plan proper budgeting which would help in globalising business more effectively.
Theme 4 : Globalisation arise various challenges in front of Jaguar
4.) What will be the major challenges faced Jaguar can face while launching its business into new emerging marketplace? |
Frequency |
a) Maintaining security and confidentiality |
5 |
b) Maintaining brand reputation |
2 |
c)Preventing business from Piracy and Hacking |
3 |
Apart from various benefits, it has analysed that globalising the business also arise various challenges. It includes maintaining security and confidentiality, brand reputation, prevention of business from piracy and hacking etc. As per survey on 10 respondents, it has interpreted that 5 out of them believed that maintaining security and confidentiality of business is a main challenge for Jaguar. While, 2 users respond towards managing brand reputation and other 3 respondents are in favour of prevention of business from piracy. Â
5.) What are the main benefits Jaguar can gain by move its business in Cape Verde, market? |
Frequency |
a) Increase brand recognition and trust  |
2 |
b) Enhance customer base and their retention |
5 |
c) Promote business in vast area |
3 |
It has interpreted from this above graph that out of 10 respondents, 5 are in favour with concept that if Jaguar will globalise its business, then it will enhance its customer base and gain their retention for longer period. While, 2 respondents states that increase brand recognition and trust among loyal customers, is main benefit of globalisation. Other than this, remaining users states that the same concept will help Jaguar in promoting business into vast area of global world. Â
6.) Which is the most appropriate media channel for Jaguar to promote its business in global market? |
Frequency |
a) Facebook |
3 |
b) You Tube |
2 |
c) Instagram |
2 |
d) LinkedIn |
3 |
In order to promote business into international market, Jaguar can use multiple channels of social media. It includes Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and more. As per given graph it has interpreted that 3 respondents assists Jaguar to use Facebook for promoting its business. While 2 users are in favour with You Tube and 2 towards Instagram. Other than this, 3 users, states to take LinkedIn for promotional activities, which will aware more people about new locations of respective company.
7) Does it prove beneficial for Jaguar to move business into Cape Verde marketplace? |
Frequency |
a) Yes |
6 |
b) No |
4 |
As per this graph it has interpreted that 6 out of 10 respondents believed that starting operations in Cape Verde, Africa market, will prove fruitful for Jaguar. Here, they can enhance more customers and increase sales performance more easily. While, other 4 respondentsâ states that Jaguar needs to launch business in other countries for generating high profitability. Â
8) What are the main economic benefits gained by Jaguar by introducing globalisation into business: |
Frequency |
a) Free trade agreement |
4 |
b) Reduce import tariff and non-tariff barriers |
3 |
c) Responsible sourcing |
3 |
Interpretation: Globalisation provides various economic benefits like Free trade agreement, responsible sourcing, reduce import tariff and non-tariff barriers etc. Through above graph, it has been interpreted that 4 respondents believe Free Trade Agreement is the main benefit provided by globalisation. While, 3 users respond towards reduction of barriers and other 3 towards sourcing of the same.
Theme 9 : Jaguar offer satisfied services
9.) Are you satisfied with innovation and high-quality of products and services offered by Jaguar? |
Frequency |
a) Yes |
8 |
b) No |
2 |
As per above research, it has interpreted that 8 out of 10 respondents are satisfied with quality of products and services offered by Jaguar. They believe that this company offer more innovative products. While, 2 respondents are not much satisfied with same, they assist Jaguar to add some more features in its services.
As per above investigation, it has been analysed that globalising the business will prove beneficial for companies to generate high profitability. They can easily expand their business by implementing concept of globalisation into their business. In context with Jaguar, as it seeks to open its business in Cape Verde, Africa marketplace, where people always desire to get high innovative vehicles on any price. Therefore, it has recommended to Jaguar to concern on following points while globalising its business:-
While working research, I have faced various issues related to work with such members who are highly skilled. As to develop collaboration among these members is really a difficult task. However, certain theories of leadership like systematic and contingency, helps me in developing ideas to manage relationship among them. While conducting this research, I have also gained opportunities to analyse the concept of globalisation and in what manner a company, implement it for expanding its business.
Performance Review and Self-Assessment
 learner Name
 |  |
Project Title |
âTo evaluate the positive, economic, cultural and ethical impact of globalisation on entire operational activities of organisation. Research on Jaguarâ Â |
Important stages |
 · Identification of topic · Aims · Objectives · Collection of Data · Select Respondents  |
Key factors you learned from the project |
 Effective management skills |
What skills did you develop |
 Time management and working in collaboration   Leadership qualities  |
Discuss the project management skill you developed |
Risk management |
Project Impact of globalisation and itâs economical effect on the company. |
Did the project achieve its aim Yes |
Was the Team efficient: Yes |
Did the project succeed: Yes |
Project Log Book
Project Logbook |
Name: |
Project title: |
Date: |
Update on weekly research/tasks achieved Points to consider: What have you completed? I have completed this project on analysing the economical, cultural and ethical impact of globalisation on international organisations. Did you fulfil task requirements? Yes Are you on track and within deadlines set? Yes Did you need to make any changes to your project management plan? No |
Any risks and/or issues identified? Points to consider: Did you identify risks/issues with a lack of skills required for undertaking research/tasks? While completing the set activities of present project, the issues I have faced to develop collaboration among associated members, as they belong to different-different background. Thus, it would lead to create delay in obtaining outcomes of project in given set period of time. Did you identify any additional risks/issues that have an impact on the   project management plan? No |
Problems encountered Points to consider: What barriers did you face? I have faced issues related to develop collaboration among team-members. How did you overcome them? Â In order to resolve issues, Â I have taken effective leadership theories like system leadership theory. Here, I have provided equal opportunities to each member to give their suggestions for improving and enhancing effectiveness of chosen project. |
New ideas and change of project direction |
What have I learnt about myself this week? Points to consider: How did I feel when I had to deal with tasks/problems? Did I find it useful to complete the tasks? I felt frustrated sometime to work in ineffective team How well have I performed? What did I contribute? What can I improve on next week? I have put my best efforts for turning ineffective team into effective and gain cooperation of each for completing project on time. How might this learning apply in the future? Learning received from this project will aid me conduct more effective research in future. |
Tasks planned for next week Points to consider: Which tasks are priority? Collect authentic information Have you set aside sufficient time for completion? Yes |
Project plan status to date (on, ahead, behind) |
Supervisor comments to address |
It has been concluded from this given report that globalisation provides various opportunities and benefits to organisations, in moving their business at international marketplace. In order to make business globalised, companies are required to analyse the impact of globalisation properly. This would help in developing operational activities and other functions of company as per demand of international market. Along with this, organisations also need to develop effective strategies for reducing negative impact of globalisation on business. Through this process, they can gain more economical and cultural benefits of globalisation.
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Global Assignment Help Australia. [Internet]. Global Assignment Help Australia.(2025), Retrieved from: https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/globalization/sample-based-on-globalisation
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